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Covid information

Following public health advice, the government has agreed that the remaining aspects of the hospitality, entertainment and night-time economy sector can reopen only with the full range of protective measures in place and the wide and robust implementation of the EU Digital COVID Certificate (COVID-19 pass). This will allow us to move forward carefully with Ireland’s plan for the next phase of our response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 infection rates are once again increasing along with hospitalisation and ICU admissions. However, thanks to the hard work and exceptional support of the Irish people for the Vaccination Programme, we are in a position to continue our careful and gradual approach to reopening.

We will need to continue to monitor the ongoing risk from the disease and, including through testing and contact tracing as appropriate.

We will all need to take steps individually and collectively in our everyday lives to keep this risk under control, in particular by:

  • acting fast, isolating and getting tested if we have symptoms
  • wearing our face coverings where appropriate
  • making sure that indoor spaces are well ventilated
  • maintaining adequate social distancing whenever appropriate
  • covering our coughs and sneezes and keeping our hands clean

Sector-specific guidance and protocols, including with regard to work, hospitality, cultural and sporting events will be reviewed and strengthened where appropriate. Compliance activities will be reinforced by relevant bodies, and through wider public and stakeholder communications. A meeting of the Regulator’s Forum will be convened to discuss further with relevant departments and agencies.